General information:

  • Brief history of the department

The Department of Entrepreneurship and Sectoral Economics is an integral part of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations and operates on the basis of the requirements of the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education”, “On Higher Professional Education and Post-Professional Education”, “Model Regulations on Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Regulations, “Regulations on the Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Tajikistan” and other regulatory and legal documents in the field of education.

The Department of Entrepreneurship and Sectorial Economy was established in August 2024 by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.

  • Main areas of activity

The main direction of scientific activity of the department is the implementation of strategic goals of the country, including accelerated industrialization of the country, the study of microeconomic and macroeconomic problems in ensuring innovative development of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan, security and economic security policy in the economic sphere of the country, contributing to the implementation of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan and including the concept of industrial development of the Republic of Tajikistan, development of accelerated industrialization, energy independence. and the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Light Industry.


The main tasks of the department:

  • teaching the socio-economic essence and role of industrial entrepreneurship in the daily activities of students, preparing students for a full and active life in a modern society of industrialization and energy;
  • clarifying the essence of the processes of economic development, the formation of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of industry and energy in the scientific worldview of students;
  • ensuring stable industrial and energy supply in all areas of the economy;
  • teaching the methodological foundations of industrial and energy entrepreneurship to students and postgraduates;