On February 28 of the current year, in accordance with the plan of scientific conferences and seminars of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, a republican scientific-practical seminar on “Problems of modern world economy” was held with the participation of scientists of the industry, teachers of higher educational institutions of the country, students.
The meeting was opened by the director of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan Ibrohimzoda Ilhomuddin, who introduced the guests and explained the purpose of the seminar as follows: in modern conditions of globalization and regionalization all indicators of national economies are deeply dependent on the economic trends of the world countries, and ignoring which leads to excessive dependence on imports or lagging behind these processes.
Then the opening speech was opened by I.S. Zoirzoda, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, who noted that the theme of the seminar is closely related to the policy pursued by the State and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. As noted in the Address of the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon: “The unstable situation, complex and contradictory processes in different regions of the world, having the consequences of political and economic crisis, remain uncertain and cause concern.
In addition, the international community is still on the way to find adequate ways to counter global risks and threats associated with climate change, the solution of which has become very relevant in the conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan.
“Given these factors, we need to intensify our efforts to pursue a foreign policy in solidarity with the international community to achieve constructive goals to maintain peace and stability and expand multilateral cooperation,” the Leader of the Nation emphasized. Therefore, scientific analysis and substantiation of various aspects of modern global economic problems makes today’s seminar even more important, noted Zoirzoda I.
Then, Ibrohimzoda Ilhomuddin, Director of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, made a detailed report on “Economic Problems of Tourism and Entrepreneurship in the Modern World”. He analyzed the actual problems of these industries in the modern world, highlighting such aspects as fierce competition between entrepreneurs for occupying a decent position and capturing the consumer market; raising the status of the world’s countries and ensuring their development; ensuring the stable development of macroeconomic indicators; investment flows and options for the development of the world economy; new trends in the modern world – the transition from a resource-intensive economy to a service economy – such as the development of tourism; the impact of the development of international tourism; and the impact of international tourism.
At the same time, Professor I.R. Ibrohimzoda predicted the options of economic development depending on the world scenarios up to 2050 and proposed a model of sustainable economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is based on foreign investment to revitalize the economy, overcome the economic crisis and ensure economic stability.
Then Metarkhon Sadykov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of World Economy of the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, made a report on “Problems of Modern World Economy”. He listed the most important problems of the modern world economy, such as the elimination of poverty and backwardness, the problems of peace and disarmament, the problem of food, natural resources, environmental problems, demographic problems, human capital development and the like.
In addition, a senior researcher of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Prof. H. Umarov, made a speech and expressed his opinion on the discussed issue. The professor noted that natural changes in Tajikistan should be mobilized in such a way that in terms of climate change and weather, natural objects of Tajikistan were favorable for tourists from nearby countries.
Then the leading researcher of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Associate Professor S. Madiev made a speech. Speaking at the discussion, he assessed with scientific and theoretical substantiation the necessity of tourism diversification as a lever to ensure sustainable and responsible development of the industry for present and future generations in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals.
Then the Head of the Tourism Research Department of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Associate Professor Yorov J., made a speech and expressed interesting thoughts on the geopolitical characteristics of globalization and its impact on the further development of tourism, taking into account geographical aspects.
In conclusion, the Director of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Professor I.R. Ibrohimzoda, made a speech and expressed his satisfaction with the work of the seminar and the reports, stating that the important provisions of the reports will be brought to the relevant departments and organizations.

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