Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Quality Management

Valiev Nizomiddin Sharobudinovich

Tel.: +992 918 14 49 14
E-mail: Nizomiddin_valiev86@mail.ru

Brief Information

Valiev Nizomiddin Sharobudinovich is the Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Quality Management at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, a PhD in Economics, and an Associate Professor.

Since 2009, he has been actively and productively working in the fields of education, science, research, and higher professional education, establishing himself as a leading expert in the areas of small and medium-sized enterprises and food market formation. His main research interests include pressing issues of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized business in retail trade, creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurship, innovative entrepreneurship, and food market development.

Throughout his educational and research career, he has published over 81 scientific, educational, and methodological works, including 8 textbooks, methodological and teaching materials, 2 monographs, and 71 scientific articles, 26 of which were published in peer-reviewed journals.
On April 28, 2021, he successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic “Formation and Development of Small Enterprises (based on retail trade in the Republic of Tajikistan)” at the Dissertation Council of the Tajik State University of Commerce under the supervision of the Honored Scientist of Tajikistan, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Safiuvlo Khabibov. Based on the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on November 25, 2021, under No. 9, and the order No. 326/d.i. of 26.11.2021, he was awarded the diploma of a PhD in Economics.

Valiev Nizomiddin Sharobudinovich successfully completed a full qualification course for university staff at the National University of Tajikistan, covering humanitarian-pedagogical and economic directions, as well as the credit system of education.

For his many years of impeccable service in the field of education and science, his significant contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as the training of highly qualified personnel, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2015 and the “Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan” badge in 2020.

At the university, Valiev Nizomiddin Sharobudinovich is responsible for coordinating strategic directions and the quality management system. He oversees the implementation of the university’s development strategy, centralized monitoring of education quality indicators and processes, the implementation of the quality management system, conducting internal audits and self-assessments of the university’s structural divisions, as well as conducting surveys to take measures aimed at improving conditions and enhancing the quality of education.

List of scientific works: https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=1183671

Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Development Programs

Marinshoev Muqbil Munavvarshoevich

Tel.: +992 93 4444133
E-mail: marinshoevmm@gmail.com








Brief Information

Marinshoev Muqbil Munavvarshoevich holds the esteemed position of Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Development Programs at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan.

He is a PhD in Economics and an Associate Professor with over a decade of experience in science and higher education, beginning his academic career in 2008. His expertise is internationally recognized, particularly in the fields of commerce and consumer market analysis. His research is focused on addressing critical contemporary challenges, including the development of commercial enterprises, innovation-driven economies, digital transformation, and sustainable development.

Marinshoev Muqbil is the author of over 90 scientific, educational, and methodological works, including 10 textbooks, methodological guides, educational-methodological complexes, 3 monographs, and 60 scientific articles, 28 of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. His work covers a wide range of topics related to commerce, innovation and digital economies, and sustainable development.

In pursuit of professional excellence, he has undertaken advanced training and internships at leading educational and research institutions in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. These experiences have greatly expanded his expertise and enriched his academic contributions.

For his outstanding achievements and contributions to the fields of science and education, Muqbil Munavvarshoevich has been honored with prestigious awards, including the Honorary Diploma from the Tajik State University of Commerce in 2019 and the Honorary Diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2020.

In his current role, he is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, and monitoring of key university strategies and development programs, including the pivotal document – the Development Strategy of the State Institution “International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan” for 2024-2040.

A comprehensive list of his scientific works can be accessed at: https://elibrary.ru/author_refs.asp?authorid=1123766

Head of the Quality Management Department

Gadoev Hasan Salikhovich

Phone: +992 901 09 88 95
E-mail: hasan_81-g@mail.ru








Brief Information

Gadoev Hasan Salikhovich is the Head of the Quality Management Department at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, PhD in Economics, and Associate Professor.

Since 2007, he has been actively engaged in the fields of science and higher education. He started his career as an assistant in the Department of Economic Theory and quickly advanced to become a senior lecturer in the Department of Management and Marketing. Over the years, he has held key administrative positions, including Deputy Dean for Educational Affairs and Dean of the Faculty. His primary research interests center on enhancing incentive mechanisms for employees in the real sector of the economy, with a specific focus on industrial enterprises in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Gadoev Hasan Salikhovich is the author of more than 50 scientific, educational, and methodological works, including 1 textbook, 3 educational aids, methodological guidelines and recommendations, 3 monographs, and 40 scientific articles (7 of which were published in peer-reviewed journals).

On March 12, 2021, he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of PhD in Economics on the topic “Improvement of the Incentive Mechanism for Employees in the Real Sector of the Economy (Based on the Example of Industrial Enterprises in the Republic of Tajikistan)” at the Dissertation Council HAC 021 at the Institute of Economics and Demography of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. The dissertation was conducted under the scientific supervision of Professor Sh. Rakhimzoda in the specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and Management of the National Economy (Labor Economics).

At the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Gadoev Hasan Salikhovich leads the direction of quality management. He is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the quality of all university activities, with a particular focus on ensuring high standards in educational programs. Under his leadership, mechanisms for implementing a unified state policy in the educational process are being introduced, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education,” the Law “On Higher Professional and Postgraduate Professional Education,” as well as regulatory documents from the Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition, he ensures compliance with all other regulatory and legal acts in the field of education and the Charter of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, while actively managing the work of the Quality Management Department.

Senior Specialist in Strategic Development and Quality Management

Marjona Sharif

Tel.: +992 889 96 79 79
E-mail: sifat.dbsst@gmail.com








Brief information

Marjona Sharif is the senior specialist in the Strategic Development and Quality Management Department at the International University of tourism and entrepreneurship of Tajikistan.

Since 2018, she has been actively engaged in the fields of science and higher education. Her research primarily focuses on optimizing cashless payment systems.

To further advance her professional skills, Marjona Sharif has completed specialized training programs at various universities within the country.

She has held several key positions, including specialist in the Science and Innovation Department, senior specialist in the Educational Work Department, and academic schedule coordinator in the Academic Affairs Department at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan.

Marjona Sharif has received multiple awards and commendations in recognition of her significant contributions to enhancing the quality of education and student development.

At the university, she provides strategic leadership and oversees the centralized monitoring of key performance indicators and processes related to educational quality, ensuring they align with the highest standards and are continuously improved.

Senior Specialist in the Quality Management Department

Daikhudoev Vakhdat Umedzhonovich

Phone: + 992 935 84 00 50
E-mail: daihydoev92@bk.ru








Brief Information

Daikhudoev Vakhdat Umedzhonovich is a senior specialist in the Quality Management Department at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, as well as a senior lecturer with extensive experience in the fields of science and higher education.

He began his professional career in 2015 as an assistant at the Department of Cultural Studies and Languages, later being promoted to the position of Deputy Dean for Educational Affairs. In his scientific work, he focused on researching key aspects of 15th-century Tajik literature, particularly the life and works of Hayoli Bukhari.

He is the author of more than 40 scientific and popular science publications, underscoring his significant contribution to academic and educational activities. In 2022, he achieved a notable victory at the national stage of the prestigious competition “Furugi subhi donoi kitob ast” in the “Poetry” category, showcasing a high level of literary mastery and creative talent.

At the university, Daikhudoev Vakhdat Umedzhonovich holds a key position as a senior specialist in the Quality Management Department. He actively collaborates with department experts, participating in the detailed evaluation of teaching activities, with a particular focus on open and demonstrative lessons. The reports he prepares, both in written and electronic form, are submitted to the appropriate university bodies for thorough analysis and decision-making. In addition, he ensures strict oversight of the department’s tasks as assigned by university councils, guaranteeing full compliance with established standards and procedures.