Scientific, research and international activities

  • Research direction of the department (name and brief description)

The Department of Entrepreneurship and Sectoral Economics was created on the basis of the Regulation on the Department of the Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Tajikistan by the decision of the Council of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The topic of the research according to the long-term plan of scientific research work for 2021-2024: “Problems of improving economic relations in ensuring innovative development of the national economy.”

Direction of research work of the department’s teachers

Surname and name of the teachers Subject of research work of the department teachers
1.       Safoev Abdumajid Karimovich, professor, head of department Management of investment projects in the process of rapid industrialization of the economy of Tajikistan
2.       Sharipov Khasan Abdusalomovich

Senior Lecturer

Industrial entrepreneurship and its role in the development of the country’s industry
3.       Kasimov Tagay Abdullozhanovich Senior teacher Features of the formation and development of the vegetable and potato subcomplex in the country’s industry.
4.       Kurbanova Nasiba Dzhamolovna Assistant Organizational and economic mechanism of green economy in energy
5.       Habibova Sabohat Safiuvloevna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Ways of formation of green economy in modern conditions
6.       Tagaev Bakhrom Shonazarovich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Development of industrial entrepreneurship in conditions of industrialization (theory, methodology and practice)

  • Publications and scientific works of employees

Published works of the department’s teachers in 2024.

In 2024, professors of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Sectoral Economics, based on their research, published 1 textbook with the approval of the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2 scientific monographs, 7 articles in journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan, 42 articles at international and national conferences, as shown in the following tables.

Completion of the textbook at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Economics in 2024

1.       Theory of economics Rizoev K., Safoev A.K., Mahmudova M.Kh., Saidova M.S. Theory of economics. Textbook approved by the Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] /K. Rizoev, A.K. Safoev, M.Kh. Mahmudova, M.S. Saidova / International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: “Abdurakhman – R”. – 2024. – 315 p.

Completion of a monograph at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Economics in 2024

1 History of economic doctrines Safoev A.K., Mahmudova M.H., Saidova M.S., Akhmadova M.A. History of economic studies. Monograph for specialists in the field of economic theory. [Text] / M.H. Mahmudova, M.S. Saidova, A.K. Safoev, M.A. Akhmadova// International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: “Abdurakhman – R”, – 2024. – 98 p.
2 Improvement of the mechanism of management of regional investment projects in the field of industry in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan Safoev A.K. Improvement of the mechanism of management of regional investment projects in the field of industry in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Monograph for specialists in the field of investment projects in the direction of rapid industrialization of the country. [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: “Irfan”, – 2024. – 138 p. TDU: 336.5:338.2 (575.3) ISBN 978-99975-0-796-9 BI No. 5869

Scientific articles published in journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan by teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Economics in 2024

Publication of reviewed articles and journals of VAK RT
1.       Safoev A.K. Problems and ways to improve women’s entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / A.K. Safoev // Message of finance and economy. Scientific-practical magazine. Monday, 2024. – #1. – S. 61-64.
2.       Safoev A.K. The experience of developed countries in the development of industries through entrepreneurial activity [Text] / H.A. Sharipov, A.K. Safoev // Message of finance and economy. Scientific-practical magazine. Monday, 2024. – #1. – S. 114-120.
3.       Safoev A.K. The process of managing investment projects and ways to increase it in the direction of rapid industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// Message of the Tajik State Trade University. Scientific journal. Dushanbe, – No. 4/2 (50). – 2024. – S. 358-366. ISSN-2308-054X
4.       Safoev A.K. Theoretical foundations of economic risk management in the direction of entrepreneurial activity [Text] / A.K. Safoev, G.A. Zaripova// Message of the Tajik State Business University. Scientific journal. Dushanbe, – No. 4/2 (50). – 2024. – S. 158-164. ISSN-2308-054X
5.       Tagaev B.Sh. Development of an effective system of infrastructural provision of industrial entrepreneurship// Message of the State Trade University of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2024. 4/1 (49).- P. 297-302.
6.       Tagaev B.Sh. The priority directions of the development of industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan// Message of the State Trade University of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2024. 4/1 (49).- P. 297-302.
7.       Sharipov Kh. The experience of developed countries in the development of industries through entrepreneurial activity// Report of the Tajik State University of Commerce. Scientific journal. Dushanbe: МХ “Tijorat” ISSN-2308054/ 2024 PART 1. P. 112-119

Scientific articles published at international and national conferences of followers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Economics in 2024

Articles in international and national conferences
1.       Safoev A.K. The role and position of the production business infrastructure in the conditions of market relations [Text] /B.Sh. Tagaev, A.A. Khojakhanov, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Monday, May 31, 2024. – S. 95-101
2.       Safoev A.K. The procedure for acceptance and implementation of industrial investment projects within the framework of the “Guideline” [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Monday, May 31, 2024. – S. 90-94
3.       Safoev A.K. Organization of the program of state investments in industry in the process of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / I.S. Zoirzoda, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Monday, May 31, 2024. – S. 28-33
4.       Safoev A.K. Management of investment projects in the regions of the country in the process of rapid industrialization [Text] / M.A., Rakhimov, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Monday, May 31, 2024. – S. 21-28
5.       Safoev A.K. Improvement of the two-level mechanism of investment project management in the process of rapid industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// Scientific-practical conference of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan on the topic “Critical issues of modern science”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Dushanbe, April 25-26, 2024. – S. 199-202
6.       Safoev A.K. Management of investment projects in the process of rapid industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / A.K. Safoev// Scientific-practical conference of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan on the topic “Critical issues of modern science”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, sh. Dushanbe, April 25-26, 2024. – S. 195-199
7.       Safoev A.K. Features of investment project management and their efficiency [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on the topic “Development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of the digital economy”. State business university of Tajikistan. sh. Dushanbe, November 17-18, 2024. – S. 159-161
8.       Safoev A.K. Abundant natural resources of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Improving the management system of tourism development in the country: problems, factors and trends of development”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 24, 2024. – S. 242-246
9.       Safoev A.K. The mechanism of implementation of investment projects and ways to increase them in the direction of rapid industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Improving the management system of tourism development in the country: problems, factors and trends of development”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 24, 2024. – S. 23-30
10.   Safoev A.K. Sources of financing of investment projects and directions of its implementation [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Improving the management system of tourism development in the country: problems, factors and trends of development”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 24, 2024. – S. 127-131
11.   Safoev A.K. Renewable natural resources in the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / M. Tutizoda, A.K. Safoev, H. Mirzomorodov// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern financial-credit processes: problems, development ways, prospects”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 7, 2024. – S. 256-259
12.   Safoev A.K. Evaluation of the implementation of state investment projects in the field of industry [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern financial-credit processes: problems, ways of development, prospects”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 7, 2024. – S. 89-95
13.   Safoev A.K. The structure of the mechanism of state regulation of the investment process in the process of industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern financial-credit processes: problems, ways of development, prospects”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, December 7, 2024. – S. 107-110
14.   Safoev A.K. State regulation of the investment process in the process of industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic “Implementation of information and communication technologies and intellectual systems in the economic sectors of the Republic of Tajikistan”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, November 25, 2024. – S. 97-104
15.   Safoev A.K. Improving the system of state regulation of attracting investments and long-term projects of the Tajik industry [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International joint scientific-practical conference on “Science and education: cooperation of business and society in the conditions of transformation of the process of information and technology”. University of Management “TISBI”. sh. Kazan, Russian Federation, December 1, 2024. – S. 132-138
16.   Safoev A.K. Areas of implementation of investment projects within the state investment program for 2021-2024 [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Development of the banking system and digitization of the financial sector”. Kulob State University named after Abu Abdullahi Rudaki. sh. Club, December 18-19, 2024. – S. 24-32
17.   Safoev A.K. Analysis of investment projects within the framework of the state investment program according to the directions of implementation [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Financial and economic aspects of tourism development and entrepreneurship in Tajikistan”. Branch of International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan in Sughd region. sh. Khujand, December 6-7, 2024. – S. 211-216.
18.   Safoev A.K. The process of rapid industrialization in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-theoretical conference on “Important issues of ensuring the economic security of Tajikistan and the countries of the world in modern conditions”. Kulob State University named after Abu Abdullahi Rudaki. sh. Club, June 9-10, 2024. – S. 503-508.
19.   Safoev A.K. The process of rapid industrialization in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / M.A. Rakhimov, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern trends of internationalization and issues of ensuring competitiveness of the national economy”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Monday, May 27, 2024. – S. 15-20
20.   Safoev A.K. Programming method of financing investment projects through the State investment program [Text] / Gavinolla Mahender Reddy, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern trends of internationalization and issues of ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Dushanbe, May 27, 2024. – S. 22-25
21.   Safoev A.K. Investment attractiveness and the current state of foreign investment in the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text] / D. Habibov, A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern trends of internationalization and issues of ensuring competitiveness of the national economy”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Dushanbe, May 27, 2024. – S. 25-29
22.   Safoev A.K. Organization of the program of state investments in industry, as the implementation of the fourth national goal – rapid industrialization [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on “Modern trends of internationalization and issues of ensuring competitiveness of the national economy”. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. sh. Dushanbe, May 27, 2024. – S. 131-135
23.   Safoev A.K. Implementation of investment projects within the State Investment Program for 2016-2020 [Text] / A.K. Safoev// International scientific-practical conference on the topic “Assessment of the state of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan”. Dedicated to the years of industrial development 2022-2026. Tajikistan State University of Finance and Economics. sh. Monday, May 6, 2024. – S. 66-70
24.   Tagaev B.Sh. Improvement of the state support mechanism for the development of industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure // Legal education is an important factor in strengthening national statehood: international scientific-practical conference materials. (April 25-26, 2024). Dushanbe p. 280-292.
25.   Tagaev B.Sh., Safoev A.K., Rakhimov O.N., Khojakhanov A.A. The role and position of industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure in the conditions of market relations// Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects for the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization” 31.05.2024. Dushanbe, p. 94-101.
26.   Tagaev B.Sh., Jalolov A.A., Sharipov K.A. Assessment of the development of industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan// Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects for the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization” 31.05.2024. Dushanbe, page 126-139.
27.   Tagaev B.Sh., Sharipov K.A. Nazarova N.J. Features of the development of industrial production in the conditions of globalization// Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization” 31.05.2024. Dushanbe, page 78-81.
28.   Tagaev B.Sh., Khojakhanov A.A. Rahmonzoda F.R. Financing of small and medium-sized agricultural producers in the Republic of Tajikistan// Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects for the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization” 31.05.2024. Dushanbe, page 264-269.
29.   Tagaev B.Sh., Jalolov A.A. Audit activity in regulating the effectiveness of public procurement// Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Puzzles and prospects for the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization” 31.05.2024. Dushanbe, page 380-387.
30.   Tagaev B.Sh. Development of industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan: ways and priority directions// Materials of the scientific-practical conference of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. April 23-24, 2024. Dushanbe p. 206-210.
31.   Sharipov Kh. Green economy in solving economic problems in the market economy // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference on the topic: “Digital industrialization and energy development from the point of view of scientists and researchers” dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Tajik Science and the announcement of the years 2020 – 2040 – “Twenty years of learning and development” natural sciences, precision and mathematics in the field of science and education” April 25, 2024. Energy Institute of Tajikistan, 2024.-478 p.
32.   Sharipov Kh. Digitization as a future direction of economic development// Problems and prospects of economic development and management in modern Tajikistan: collection of materials of the scientific-theoretical conference (Dushanbe, October 31, 2024). – Dushanbe: 2024. – 300 pages. 238-241
33.   Sharipov Kh. Green economy and ego main aspects of development// Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference on the topic “State management of the process of implementing digital technologies in industries in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan” (September 29, 2024)
34.   Sharipov Kh. The concept of developing a strategy for managing human resources and training personnel in the state administration system//State management of the process of implementing digital technologies in industries in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference, September 29, 2024. Dushanbe: 2024. – 286 pages. 209,211 p
35.   Sharipov Kh. Госсударственные управление социальные сферой и ее модели в равитих соментрих// State management of the process of implementation of digital technologies in the industries in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference, September 29, 2024. Dushanbe: 2024. – 286 pages. 219,223
36.   Sharipov Kh. Отложенная страстость и ее вливное на экономический рост в стране// State institution “international university of tourism and entrepreneurship of Tajikistan” “Financial and economic aspects of tourism and entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Tajikistan” Materials of the international scientific and practical conference from December 6-7, 2024.699 p. (618-623)
37.   Sharipov Kh. Industrial enterprises and its bankruptcy in the context of increasing competitiveness of the enterprise// Materiais international scientific and practical conference on the topic “improvement of the development management system in the country: problems, factors and development trend” (December 22, 2024) ” Improving the management system of tourism development in the country: problems, factors and trends of development”. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, December 22, 2024. Dushanbe: 2024. – 341 p. 233-238
38.   Sharipov Kh. Regulatory and legal regulation of accounting promotion in small and medium-sized entrepreneurship// State management of the process of implementation of digital technologies in industries in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference, September 29, 2024. Dushanbe: 2024. – 286 p. 94-97
39.   Sharipov Kh. The experience of developed countries in the development of industries// Critical issues of modern science. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan (April 23-24, 2024) – Dushanbe: 2024. – 734 p.19-21.p.
40.   Sharipov Kh. Features of the development of industrial production in the conditions of globalization//Puzzles and prospects of the development of foreign trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference. May 31, 2024. Monday, 2024. ‟ 589 p. 78-81. p.
41.   Sharipov Kh. Assessment of the development of the industrial entrepreneurship infrastructure in the Republic of Tajikistan//Problems and prospects for the development of foreign trade in the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of rapid industrialization. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference. May 31, 2024. Monday, 2024. ‟ 589 p. 126-139.
42.   Sharipov Kh. Initiatives of the leader of the nation on water and climate // International University of Foreign Languages ​​of Tajikistan

  • Project and implemented grants
Basic information about the project

1) Executive bodies:

1.1. International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan.

1.2. Development partners.

2) Project name:

Effective use of the green economy in professional training of personnel in the economic sector and organization of production (energy)

3) Project duration: 1.5 years

Project start: January 1, 2024

Project end: June 31, 2025

4) Total project cost: USD 1,000,000

Share of foreign investment: 90%

Share of domestic investment: – 10%