Word Economy Department was founded on the 6-th of May 1998 year by the decision of Scientific Council of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service and presents a wide range of educational programs of Bachelor’s, and Master’s degrees.

The Department continually carries out scientific and pedagogical researches on modern problems of the world economy that is very important to the economy of the republic of Tajikistan.

The staff of the department consists of 10 scientific workers, which there are 2 doctors and 6 docents among them. The Department was headed by professor Kabutov  M.K.(1998-2005), associated professor Ismoilov A.A.(2005-2009) and candidate of economic science Karimov H. (2009-2010). The Department trains Specialists In “World Economy” and “Entrepreneurship activities in international Tourism”.

The basic functions of Department:      

  • Teaching modern characteristics of globalization of world economy, situation on international markets of goods and services, foreign activities of international companies;
  • Development of analytical thinking of students on objective changes in modern international economic relations. Development of the forms and methods of foreign economic activities;
  • Teaching the methods of organizing foreign economic activities and interring to the international markets;

Teaching the today’s situation and perspectives of the development of foreign economic activities of the Republic of Tajikistan and the basic methods of foreign activities of national enterprises.