Holding a republican seminar under this title in the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan
On January 31, 2025 within the framework of realization of the Plan of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan the republican scientific-theoretical seminar devoted to realization of the Address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dear Emomali Rahmon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on the theme “About necessity of improvement of ethics of tourism entrepreneurship” was held.
The seminar was attended by representatives of the university administration, higher educational institutions, tourist companies, hotels, restaurants, guides, management and staff of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship.
The scientific event began with the opening speech of the Director of the Institute, Prof. I.R. Ibrohimzoda.
He also emphasized that ethical values in tourism entrepreneurship, including honesty, respect for customers, social responsibility and professionalism, should become a fundamental component of the activities of entrepreneurs and tourism companies. In particular, special attention was paid to the implementation of the instructions and instructions of the Great Leader of the Nation, given by him during the next Address of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, in the direction of the development of domestic tourism, improving tourism culture of the population. tourism companies, improving tourism infrastructure and development of ethnic tourism in the regions of the country.
At the same time, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation Zoirzoda I.S. in his speech noted the importance of scientific research in the development of tourism culture and improving the level of service in this sector. He noted that specialized scientific institutes and research centers should conduct a deep analysis and propose effective ways to improve professional ethics.
At this seminar, the head of the department of introduction of scientific results into practice of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Madiev Sadihodja and the head of the Department of Psychology of the Tajik National University, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Saidzoda Bahrullo Khol made scientific reports and discussed and interpreted scientific-theoretical and psychological aspects of the culture of entrepreneurship in tourism, as well as made proposals for the development of the culture of entrepreneurship in tourism.
The workshop presented research papers on the development of service culture, the role of business ethics in attracting tourists, compliance with international tourism standards, and social aspects of tourism entrepreneurship. Experts and representatives of the private sector shared their experience and proposals for improving professional relations in the industry.
It is worth noting that such scientific seminars make a valuable contribution to strengthening scientific ties, putting forward new proposals and expanding cooperation between higher education institutions and the private sector.
Based on the results of the republican scientific-practical seminar, the proposals will be sent to the relevant ministries and committees.