Brief Information about the University

Full name of the institution State Institution “International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan”
Abbreviated name of the institution IUTET
Establishment date 1991
Founder Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Address Republic of Tajikistan, 734055, Dushanbe city, Borbad avenue 48/5
Contact phone numbers Phone.: (+ 992) 234-88-02, (+ 992) 234-88-24
Official website
Institutes – Levakant International Institute;

– Khujand International Institute;

– Danghara International Institute.

Educational institutes, faculties – Institute of Tourism;

– Institute of World Economy and International Relations;

– Institute of Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence;

– Faculty of Finance and Credit;

– Faculty of Law and Customs;

– Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogical Sciences;

– Joint Faculty.

Centers – Republican Center for Advanced Training of Tourism and Service Workers;

– Center for Distance and Continuous Learning;

– Center for Strategic Management;

– Center for Project Management;

– Center for Joint Educational Programs;

– Center for Innovative Research;

– Center for Public Relations.

Colleges and lyceums – College of Industry and Social Services (Levakant city);

– College of Tourism and Social Services (Khujand city);

– Professional Lyceum of Chemical Industry (Levakant city);

– Professional Lyceum of Service (Khujand city);

– Lyceum (general education).

Educational programs – 80 bachelor’s degree programs;

– 10 joint educational programs;

– 15 master’s degree programs;

– 5 doctoral (PhD) programs.

Scientific research institutes – Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship;

– Green Economy Research Institute.

Dissertation councils Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-063 for the Defense of Dissertations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Science in the Specialty, and Candidate and Doctoral Dissertations in the Specialties: Economics of tourism, economics of entrepreneurship and marketing
International agreements Over 165 cooperation agreements

The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, established in 1991, the same year as the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, plays a key role in training highly qualified personnel essential for the development of the national economy. Since its foundation, the university has been dynamically evolving, expanding its structure, and strengthening its position as one of the leading educational centers in the region.

The university is a crucial component of the country’s education system, reflecting the results of the visionary and wise policies of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon. His ongoing attention and support for the educational sector have driven the comprehensive development of science and knowledge, establishing a solid foundation for preparing highly skilled specialists capable of making a significant contribution to the sustainable future of the state. Owing to his efforts, Tajikistan’s education system is rapidly evolving, meeting high international standards, and striving for new heights.

It should be noted that the University’s designation as an international institution by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on January 27, 2022, represents a significant step towards integration into the global educational community and underscores its importance on the international stage.

The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan is one of the largest universities in the country in terms of student enrollment. Currently, approximately 10,000 students are enrolled at the university and its affiliated structures. Of these, 8,800 students are pursuing full-time studies, while 1,200 are enrolled in part-time programs. The university offers bachelor programs in over 80 fields, 15 master’s programs, and 10 doctoral (PhD) programs, allowing students to choose paths that best align with their interests and career goals.

The educational process at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan is organized according to a credit system, which is in line with global higher education standards and allows students to approach their studies with greater flexibility. The university provides a broad range of academic disciplines, offering students not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills essential for successful professional careers.

The high-quality training of students is ensured by a highly qualified faculty comprising over 1,000 members. The university’s faculty members are actively engaged in scientific research, publishing their work in leading journals, and conducting studies across various fields of science and technology.

The important achievement of the university is that it has successfully passed state certification and accreditation seven times, confirming the high quality of its educational services and compliance with modern higher education standards. Over the years, the university has trained more than 15,000 highly qualified specialists, who are now working in various sectors of the national economy and making significant contributions to its development.

The educational and research activities at the university are carried out through three institutes (Institute of Tourism, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, and Institute of Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence) and four faculties (Faculty of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Law and Customs, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogical Sciences, and the Joint Faculty).

Additionally, the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan has three regional institutes: Khujand International Institute, Dangara International Institute, and Levakant International Institute. These institutes offer a wide range of educational programs aimed at training specialists for various sectors of the economy, including tourism, entrepreneurship, information technology, and other fields.

Furthermore, the university’s structure includes two colleges: the College of Industry and Social Services (Levakant) and the College of Tourism and Social Services (Khujand), as well as two vocational lyceums: the Vocational Lyceum of Chemical Industry (Levakant) and the Vocational Lyceum of Services (Khujand). These institutions actively prepare mid-level specialists who contribute to the development of various sectors of Tajikistan’s economy.

The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan is actively engaged in scientific research activities. The university hosts two research institutes: the Research Institute of Green Economy and the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship. These institutes focus on researching key issues related to sustainable economic development, implementing environmentally friendly technologies, and developing innovative solutions for the tourism industry and entrepreneurship.

The university also actively participates in international projects and collaborates with leading foreign scientific and educational institutions. The university’s structure includes an International Project Management Center, which coordinates scientific and educational projects with international partners.

The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan is committed to expanding international cooperation. To enhance the effectiveness of its external relations, the university has signed cooperation agreements with over 160 organizations and scientific and educational institutions both within Tajikistan and abroad. This cooperation spans a wide range of areas, including student and faculty exchanges, joint scientific research, and participation in international educational projects.

The university has gained international recognition and is a member of such prestigious organizations as the Universities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences, and the Asian Association of Universities. It is also actively involved in the programs of the World Tourism Organization, which underscores its leading role in training specialists for the tourism industry and entrepreneurship at the international level.

The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan is a dynamically developing educational institution that actively contributes to the country’s progress by preparing highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. The university takes pride in its achievements and remains committed to making significant contributions to the development of education and science in Tajikistan and on the global stage.