Within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan and the Tashkent State Economic University there was an academic exchange of a group of students of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan to the Tashkent State Economic University.
Within the framework of this agreement 9 students of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan were sent to Tashkent State Economic University for the spring session of 2024-2025 academic year.
Academic exchange is carried out in order to develop students’ professional skills based on familiarization with the best practices of educational activities and strengthening international cooperation. The selected students will participate in academic programs of Tashkent State University of Economics and improve their knowledge and skills.
It is also worth noting that employees of Tashkent State University of Economics, including Tamila Akhmedova and Farishta Kayumova, took an active part and made presentations at international and national conferences and seminars of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan on February 20, 2025 and February 28, 2025.