1. 25010300 – World economy:

Specialists in the field of global economy are engaged in servicing foreign economic, currency and credit and financial and entrepreneurial activities, collecting and analyzing information on assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the enterprise, for the rational organization of financial and economic relations of objects, promoting the protection of economic interests of enterprises and organizations. An international economist can carry out his professional activities in ministries and departments, in non-governmental structures, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, manufacturing firms, state and private banks, joint ventures, insurance companies, foreign organizations and other institutions related to the organization and regulation of foreign economic activity.

Requirements for a specialist:

– knowledge of two foreign languages;

– deep knowledge of various areas of the economy;

– knowledge of computer technology;

– diplomatic skills and professional etiquette;

– ability to defend the interests of the company;

– skills in working with large amounts of information.


A specialist in the field of “1-260103-01 State regulation of the national economy” analyzes and develops measures aimed at the effective management of the country’s economy. The main areas of activity include:

  1. Analysis of economic policy: Evaluation of current economic strategies and their impact on various sectors of the economy.
  2. Development of regulations: Participation in the creation of laws and regulations aimed at improving the economic situation.
  3. Monitoring economic indicators: Collection and analysis of data on the state of the economy, such as GDP, inflation and unemployment.
  4. Consulting government agencies: Providing recommendations on economic regulation and policy.
  5. Research and forecasting: Conducting research to forecast economic trends and their impact on the national economy.
  6. Participation in international economic relations: Analysis and development of strategies for interaction with other countries in the field of economics.

Specialists in this field can work in government agencies, think tanks, research organizations, and international organizations. Their work is important for ensuring sustainable economic growth and social stability in the country.


A specialist in the field of “1-25010301 – Foreign Economic Activity Management” manages and coordinates processes related to international trade and economic relations between countries. The main areas of activity include:

  1. Analysis of the foreign economic environment: Study of international markets, economic conditions and legislative norms affecting foreign economic activity.
  2. Development of foreign economic activity strategies: Creation of plans and strategies for entering international markets, including the selection of target countries and product niches.
  3. Organization of foreign economic operations: Coordination of import and export processes, including logistics, customs procedures and paperwork.
  4. Management of international contracts: Preparation and support of contracts with foreign partners, including negotiations and dispute resolution.
  5. Consulting on foreign economic policy: Providing recommendations to public and private organizations on international trade and cooperation.
  6. Monitoring and analysis of foreign economic activity: Evaluation of the results of foreign economic operations and their impact on the country’s economy.
  7. Participation in international exhibitions and forums: Representation of the interests of a company or country at international events to establish business contacts and find partners.

Specialists in this field can work in government agencies, trade missions, export-import companies and consulting firms. Their work contributes to the development of international trade and the strengthening of economic ties between countries.

MASTER’S PROGRAM ON 1- 25010300 “World Economy”

The Department of World Economy and International Relations has been training master’s students in the field of 25010301 “World Economy” since 2011.

A master’s student in the field of 25010301 “World Economy” is a highly qualified professional, armed with modern scientific knowledge in the field of world economy and international business, combining fundamental economic knowledge with a deep study of the processes occurring in the world economy and international economic relations, the economy and politics of individual countries and regions, as well as having practical skills in the foreign economic sphere, fluent in two foreign languages, prepared for independent research, teaching and practical work, as well as for postgraduate studies.

Our Masters in Global Economy are quite capable of becoming highly qualified researchers, teachers and working in analytical departments of state and local authorities that are related to foreign economic activity. They can further analyze the possibilities of solving global economic problems. Masters in the direction 25010301 “Global Economy” are capable of working in export-import departments of enterprises and organizations for the purchase and sale of specific types of industrial and food products.