International conference: assessment of the impact of tourism on macroeconomic indicators

On February 20, 2025, an international scientific and practical conference was held in the National Library of Tajikistan on the initiative of the Scientific Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan together with the State Committee for Investment and Management of State Property of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the topic “The place and role of tourism in the development of the national economy: scientific features of the study of the influence of tourism on macroeconomic indicators”.
The conference was opened by the director of the Tourism and Entrepreneurship Research Institute of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, doctor of economic sciences, professor Ibrohimzoda Ilhomuddin Rajabali, and after the national anthem, he introduced the audience, who took full-time and part-time participation. Representatives of 12 countries took part in the online conference.
First, the vice-rector for science and innovation Zoirzoda I.S. made a welcome speech, who noted that the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan with the support of the national leader, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the honorable Emomali Rahmona, acquired international status and became one of the most prestigious and multi-disciplinary institutions of higher professional education. The university has acquired a special status in the educational and scientific space of the country and not in the international arena, and today’s conference is also a reflection of the expansion of scientific cooperation between the students of the Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan with scientific institutions of foreign countries.
Investing in tourist projects, increasing the level of tourism, commercialization of scientific research, adaptation of student works to real life and international cooperation, organization of modern business, use of information and communication technologies, digitalization of production and circulation – these are some of the issues that we need to learn from our foreign partners.
We are sure that at this conference, topical issues in the field of tourism and these scientifically based proposals for its further development in the country will be discussed, concluded I.S. Zoirzoda.
Then the director of the Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, doctor of economics, professor Ibrohimzoda Ilhomuddin Rajabali gave a meaningful presentation on the topic “Tourism in the framework of macroeconomics: the use of tourism indicators in the system of national accounts and in international statistics of the service sector”. The professor appreciated the importance of the development of tourism for the country’s economy, noting that tourism is one of the most important types of activity in the world and demonstrates significant growth every year. Many countries consider tourism as a key instrument of regional development, as it stimulates new types of economic activity. At the same time, tourism can have a positive economic impact on the balance of payments, GDP and employment. In the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2030, it is also emphasized that the country’s rich historical and cultural heritage and its unique nature are an important condition for the development of tourism and growth of the country’s gross domestic product, emphasized I.R. Ibrahimzoda.
And the conclusion of I.R. Ibrohimzoda made a number of proposals for increasing tourism investment and development of the national economy, such as creating greater accessibility of the country to attract foreign tourists and revitalizing domestic tourism; improvement of the existing tourist infrastructure and activation of unused tourist resources; development of recreational and medical tourism; attraction of investments, grants and government programs for the development of the tourism industry; expansion of the country’s representation of international tourist events; improving the quality of tourist services; training of highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism; increasing the number of tourist companies, promoting the development of new tourist destinations and creating incentives for tourist business; priority development of the tourist sector and the structure of the economy and, accordingly, the increase of GNP and GDP; increase in tourism tax and state budget; increasing the number of workplaces due to the development of tourism; using the experience of travelers between twin cities, etc.
Then the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Salimzoda Ziyodullo spoke and expressed his opinion on the state of the industry. In particular, he noted that the importance of the tourism industry is very broad and directly affects the economy of many countries around the world. The number of tourists has increased in recent years, because Tajikistan is recognized as one of the 10 most attractive countries in the world for tourists to visit. Therefore, a scientific assessment of the issue of attracting more tourists to the country and increasing their share in GDP is one of the key topics of today’s conference, Salimzoda Z. noted. In the speech of Zabirzoda Nekroi, Head of Department of the Committee for Investments and State Property Management under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, issues of expanding the tourism business were discussed. He noted that in order to attract foreign direct investment in the country’s economy, create jobs for the local population, especially in the tourism sector, increase the country’s production and export capabilities, and in this regard, establish import-substituting products, 6 investment agreements totaling $ 2.1 billion were signed this year. An agreement worth $ 100 million was signed, the implementation of which is expected to create more than 9,000 jobs.
Last year, the total inflow of foreign capital to Tajikistan amounted to $ 4.9 billion. amounted to $ 2.1 billion, which is $ 2.1 billion more than in 2023. dollars or 72.7% more, N. Zabirzoda noted.
Then the report of Mamadaliev Farrukhruz Mamadaliev, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director of the Research Institute of the National Bank of Tajikistan on “Digitalization of banking services and its role in the development of tourism” was heard. He considers digitalization of banking services important for the development of the tourism industry, adding that the introduction of new technologies and the use of innovative banking services in the field of service and the formation of tourism infrastructure are the demands of the times, and they lay the foundation for convenient and accessible banking services for tourism companies.
Next, online reports were presented by scientists from the Russian Federation: Nikitina Tatyana Viktorovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation, on the topic of “Trends in the Development of Tourism Entrepreneurship: Threats and Prospects”; Voroshilo Victoria Viktorovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, on the topic of “Tourism Opportunities of Crimea and Ways to Use Them”. The reports discussed in detail the experience of developing tourism in the cities of St. Petersburg and Crimea. Amir Arslonzoda, CEO and member of the board of Arian Pardis Din Holding, a tourism and hotel company of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the report “Issues of Tourism and Hospitality Development between Iran and Tajikistan” discussed issues of expanding tourism between the two countries that have a common language and culture. The introduction of a visa-free regime between the two countries, as a result of the visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Tajikistan, will contribute to an increase in the number of tourists from both countries, the speaker said. He noted that the fact that the two nations have a common culture and language lays the foundation for the development of tourism.
In the report of Farzona Nazari, Director of the Jani Safedi Company in Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran), on the topic of “Issues of Tourism Development between Iran and Tajikistan”, the importance of expanding health, cultural, ecological and similar tourism between these two countries with similar cultures was also emphasized.
In her speech, Professor Dr. Cornelia Scott, Director of the MBA Program at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Germany, discussed issues related to the development of international tourism.
In the presentation of Fazal Baharuddin, CEO of HalalTrip from Singapore, the travel company was presented and the main areas of tourism services for Muslims were highlighted. He noted the importance of using digital technologies in the field of tourism services. In his speech, the representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan Navruzod Bakhtiyor, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Bukhara State University, recognized the organization of tourist routes for tourists from the Republic of Uzbekistan to Tajikistan in the summer as acceptable. At the same time, he considers it necessary and acceptable to open a train on the Dushanbe-Bukhara route to expand the tourist flow between the two countries.
Director of the “Tourism Laboratory” of the Republic of Uzbekistan Temur Mirzaev proposed to create transit corridors between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, taking into account the tourism potential of the Republic of Tajikistan.
At the same time, Elena Vyacheslavovna Golysheva, Director of the Research Institute for Tourism Development of the Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, critically assessed the strengthening of research cooperation and scientific and practical projects in the field of tourism between the two countries and made a number of useful suggestions.
In conclusion, a report was heard from the senior researcher of the Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Doctor of Economics, Professor Umarov Khodjamakhmad on the topic “Scientific and theoretical aspects of tourism development and its impact on macroeconomic indicators.” The professor noted that the topic of tourism and sustainable development is becoming increasingly relevant, and any assessment of tourism and its impact on the economy should take into account social, economic and environmental consequences. According to Umarov Kh., interaction with the latter component should become a special priority.
In the afternoon, the conference continued in sections.
Based on the proposals of the speakers and articles submitted to the organizing committee, scientifically substantiated proposals will be sent to the relevant ministries and departments on the development of tourism and entrepreneurship, increasing their contribution to the country’s macroeconomic indicators.

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