Fields of Research

 Foreign trade development mechanism in the conditions of rapid industrialization of the Republic of Tajikistan; – Effective forms of entering domestic companies to foreign markets; – Liberalization of foreign trade and its role in development of  trade service in the Republic of Tajikistan; -Role of public investment in the development of international entrepreneurship; – Problem of  identification and evaluation of the informal economy in the international business of  Tajikistan;- Theoretical and practical problems of investment climate improvement in the Republic of Tajikistan; -The strategy of anti-crisis management of enterprises in terms of liberalization of foreign trade;  foreign economic activity if small businesses in the context of globalization of the world economy: the innovative aspects; -Role of Tajikistan and Afghanistan foreign economic relations in development of International entrepreneurship; – The specialty of entrepreneurship activities in the countries with Islamic culture; – The role of anti-dumping regulations in the development of modern international business.