Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship
The state institution “Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship” of the state institution “International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan” is a research institution and carries out research work in the country and abroad. The Institute carries out research activities in the direction of “Theoretical and practical issues of ensuring sustainable development of tourism and entrepreneurship of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions of globalization, regionalization and other world trends” and the problem of “Search for tools and mechanisms to ensure sustainable development of tourism and entrepreneurship of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions”.
This Institute was established by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №199 from March 30, 2024.
The mission of the Institute is to conduct fundamental and practical scientific research in the field of tourism and entrepreneurship, to provide services in the field of science and education, training of scientific personnel and retraining of specialists in the field of tourism and entrepreneurship.
Goals and objectives
The main goal of the Institute is to contribute to the sustainable development of tourism and entrepreneurship in the country by conducting fundamental and practical scientific research in these areas and strengthening the scientific potential.
The Institute’s activity is aimed at solving the main issues of sustainable development of tourism and entrepreneurship in the country.
Main tasks of the Institute
– realization of research activity in the sphere of tourism and entrepreneurship, coordination of scientific researches and scientific-practical developments in this sphere, revealing of system problems and search of ways of their solution;
– improvement of scientific bases of tourism and entrepreneurship;
– development of proposals for improvement of tourism and entrepreneurship policy;
– conducting scientific research in the direction of analyzing the domestic tourist market;
– elaboration of the concept of tourism development on the basis of studying the experience of developed tourist countries;
– proposing complete mechanisms of tourism and entrepreneurship regulation in the Republic of Tajikistan;
– conducting fundamental and practical research at the Institute on topics related to tourism and entrepreneurial management;
– conducting scientific research in the direction of analyzing domestic markets, business, services, etc. in order to develop proposals for their development;
– coordinating research directions on economic and social issues with similar institutions;
– organization and coordination of the activity of dissertation councils of the institute and university in the field of tourism and entrepreneurship;
– training of graduate students, doctoral students in the field of tourism and entrepreneurship;
– promotion of advertising and publishing activities in the sphere of tourism and entrepreneurship.
Main directions of activity
The main directions of the Institute’s activities include such aspects as:
Improving the use of tourism and recreational potential of the Republic of Tajikistan in the conditions of globalization;
Mechanism of evaluation of tourism and recreational potential of the Republic of Tajikistan and its utilization in modern economic conditions;
Trends in the formation of tourism management system and the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan;
Mechanism of realization of tourism and entrepreneurial policy of the Republic of Tajikistan;
Tendencies of formation of tourism management system and efficiency of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan;
The position of international relations and receiving grants in the development of tourism and entrepreneurship of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Improvement of forms of entrepreneurial activity of the Republic of Tajikistan and increase of efficiency in the conditions of industrialization of the country.
Study of the state of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan, identification of existing problems and obstacles and ways to ensure its sustainable development.
Strategic vision
It is expected that the Institute will become a scientific center with high potential and will become an initiator in solving the issues of sustainable development of tourism and entrepreneurship.
The Institute will cooperate with foreign research institutions and take effective measures to utilize international best practices towards sustainable development.
Grant and investment projects are planned in this direction.
At the same time, the Institute intends to fulfill its mission by training scientific personnel and conducting research aimed at sustainable economic development.
It invites to cooperation of development partners and all interested persons.
The address of the Institute is 48/5 Borbad Street, Firdavsi district, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. Contact phone numbers: +992 918 814240, E-mail: e-mail:,, Website: