Head of Science and Innovation Department

Nekruz Abdunabievich Kudratov

Tel: +992 93 596 00 01
e-mail: kudratov.nek@gmail.com





Brief information

Kudratov Nekruz Abdunabievich – Head of the Department of Science and Innovation of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, Doctor of Law, Professor.

Since 2004, he has been working in the field of science and higher education and is recognized as an international expert in the field of criminal law. The main areas of his scientific and research activities include current issues of criminal law, criminology, the law on the execution of criminal penalties, criminal procedure law, counteraction to terrorism and extremism, and state crimes.

Professor Kudratov Nekruz is the author of more than 176 scientific, educational and methodological works, including: 7 textbooks, 28 teaching aids, methodological instructions and educational and methodological complexes, 5 monographs and 140 scientific articles (including 2 articles in Scopus journals and more than 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals).

On June 14, 2012, he defended his candidate’s dissertation ahead of schedule at the Moscow State Linguistic University of the Russian Federation on the topic “Criminal liability for bankruptcy-related crimes: problems of theory, practice and legislation” under the supervision of Doctor of Law, Professor T.Sh. Sharipov, and on December 10, 2021, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Criminal and legal protection of the foundations of the constitutional system and state security: problems of doctrine, law enforcement and improvement of legislation” under the supervision of Doctor of Law, Professor Aleksey Grigorievich Kibalnik.

For his merits, Nekruz Kudratov was awarded a number of prestigious awards, including the Ismoili Somoni Prize for young scientists in the field of science and technology (2014) and the title of “Excellent Worker of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2017).

At the university, Nekruz Kudratov oversees the direction of scientific, research and innovation activities. His responsibilities include organizing scientific research activities, holding scientific Olympiads, organizing and holding scientific conferences of various levels, publishing scientific journals and other scientific works in general.

List of Publications – https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=662203