Head of the Department of World Economy

Jumaev Bahoviddin Mahmadnazarovich

Tel.: (+992) 93 4888670

E-mail: jumaevbahovidin@gmail.com

Doctor of Economics






Brief Information

Jumaev Bahoviddin Mahmadnazarovich is the Head of the Department of World Economy at the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. He holds a Doctorate in Economics and serves as an Associated Professor. Since 2005, he has been actively engaged in higher professional education and research in the Republic of Tajikistan. His primary research areas focus on the regulation of trade in services within the framework of the World Trade Organization, the formation and development of the business services market, stabilization of the country’s financial security in the context of globalization, and the internationalization of higher education.

Jumaev B.M. is the author of over 100 scientific articles, six monographs, one textbook, and ten teaching aids. He has participated in international seminars and advanced training courses in Switzerland, Hungary, China, Russia, and India. Bahoviddin Mahmadnazarovich is also a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals “Asia and Europe” (Dushanbe) and “Practical Marketing” (Moscow).

For his significant contributions to science and education, B.M. Jumaev was awarded the title of “Excellent Worker of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan” in 2013.

At the university, he oversees the management of the department, the development of educational programs and curricula, planning of the educational process, and the overall management of the educational, research, and extracurricular activities of the department’s faculty. He teaches courses in international economics, international economic relations, international trade in services, and the open economy of Tajikistan.

Professor of the Department of World Economy Institute of World Economics and International Relations International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan
Jamshedov Mahmadnazar

Tel.: (+992) 93 5215353
E-mail: mahmadnazar-54@mail.ru








Brief Information

Mahmadnazar Jamshedov is a professor in the Department of World Economy at the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan and holds a Doctorate in Economics.

Since 1985, he has been actively engaged in higher education and scientific research in the country. His primary areas of research include the development of socio-economic stability in the consumer goods market since Tajikistan gained state independence, the necessity of Tajikistan’s membership in the WTO, and the enhancement of interstate, interregional, and intersectoral relations as a condition for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. He also focuses on the development and justification of conceptual directions for the consumer goods market up to 2030, the economic growth of small and medium-sized businesses in the trade and catering sectors, mechanisms for fostering entrepreneurship in tourism, and the features and development of innovative activities in trade and catering, among other aspects of the national economy in a market context.

Jamshedov is the author of three textbooks, two monographs, and two dictionaries of Russian-Tajik economic terms, as well as three teaching aids and methodological recommendations. He has edited more than ten books and works on the scientific and pedagogical activities of several esteemed scholars in the republic. Additionally, he has authored over 150 scientific and popular science articles covering various sectors of the national economy, including trade, public catering, entrepreneurship, tourism, and other facets of Tajikistan’s consumer goods market.

His contributions to the development and implementation of international thematic programs in education are significant. As a student in a course for training personnel in international trade and foreign economic activity, he actively participated in the adoption of programs and projects from higher professional educational institutions and research institutes in trade and public catering in the Russian Federation (1989) and Ukraine (1981). He was involved in practical activities related to enterprises and the organization of trade and public catering in Tajikistan from 1981 to 1985. He also completed a program at the Academy of General Education Network (EdNet), organized with financial support from the Karana Corporation/USAID in Dushanbe (2002-2004), for which he received a certificate of completion in international education.

For his services in training highly qualified personnel in the education sector, Jamshedov was awarded the title of “Excellent Worker of Consumer Cooperatives of Tajikistan” in 2003. His main responsibilities at the university include guiding postgraduate students, applicants, and undergraduates, overseeing training and professional development, developing thematic standard programs for academic disciplines, serving as a member of the Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-063 at MUTPT, and leading a permanent seminar in the Department of World Economy.

Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy

Khudoyorov Shahriyor Khudoiqulovich

Тел.: (+992) 918300363

E-mail: Shahriyorkhudoyorov1984@gmail.com

Candidate of Economic Sciences





Brief information

Khudoyorov Shahriyor Khudoiqulovich is an Associate Professor in the Department of World Economy at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, and holds a PhD in Economics.

Since 2007, he has been working in the field of higher professional and scientific education in the country. The main areas of his scientific and research activities include the formation and development of distribution activities under modern conditions, marketing, management, comparative management, management of distribution companies, the services market, the distribution services market, distribution, consumer goods distribution, distribution channels related to wholesale and retail trade, problems faced by food producers, building food supply chains through various distribution channels, and other issues related to the national economy.

Khudoyorov Shahriyor Khudoiqulovich is the author of one textbook, one scientific and methodological complex, four methodological guidelines, three monographs, and more than 85 scientific and popular science articles in the fields of marketing, management, services, and entrepreneurship.

His contribution to the development and implementation of international educational programs is significant. He actively participated in international educational seminars and training sessions at higher education and scientific institutions in the Russian Federation (2011) and China (2023), which contributed to the advancement of his professional career.

For many years of impeccable service in the field of education, his valuable contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, training talented personnel, and active participation in public life, Khudoyorov Shahriyor Khudoiqulovich was awarded the title of “Excellent Worker of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2020).

Assistant professor of the department of world economy

Samirov Bakhtiyor Abdumutalibovich

Tel: (+992) 918956064

E-mail: samirov.baktiyr@mail.ru 




Brief information            

Samirov Bakhtiyor – assistant professor of the Department of World Economy at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. Since 2023, he has been working in the field of higher professional education and science of the country. The main areas of his scientific and research activities are focused on the topical issues of Improving the mechanism for the development of commercial entrepreneurship in the context of the Republic of Tajikistan’s membership in the World Trade Organization. Samirov Bakhtiyor is the author of 7 papers at international, regional and national conferences and one article in HAK magazine.

Assistant of the Department of Economics

Sharipova Farangis Nuruloevna

Tel.: (+992) 933350054

E-mail: farangiska1990@mail.ru

Assistant of the Department of Economics




Brief information

Sharipova Farangis Nuruloevna – assistant of the Department of World Economy. Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the International University of Tourism and Business of Tajikistan, assistant of the Department of World Economy. Since 2012, he has been working in the field of higher professional education and science of the country.

Since 2012, he has been working in the field of higher professional and scientific education of the country. The main areas of his research activities are devoted to issues of economic aspects of the organization and management of tourism, the tourism business as an economic phenomenon, the analysis of the current state of the organization of business tourism in Republic of Tajikistan, development of business tourism management based on the use of digital technologies and other issues of tourism economics.

Since 2022, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of World Economy and is still active.

Sharipova Farangis Nuruloevna is the author of 30 scientific and public articles in the field of tourism and economics.

His contribution to the development and implementation of international educational programs in the students’ scientific club as the head of the club of international economists was a participant in international educational seminars and trainings with the founder of higher professional education in China (2023) and actively developed his career.

He teaches the subjects of world economy, international business, and foreign economic activity.