Würzburg Conference Theme: Balancing Innovation and Resilience in International Business Special Focus: Tourism & Hospitality
*** Call for Papers ***
The world of international business is claimed to be more demanding than ever before. On the one hand, companies need to identify and capture new opportunities by innovating products, processes or even business models, or by entering new market segments or new geographical markets. Further growth is typically only possible by pushing the limits of the current business, which inevitably brings along uncertainties. On the other hand, the frequency and extent of disruptions requires companies to strengthen their resilience and to build up a stable core business, in order not to suffer too much from the next crisis that is already lurking around the corner. And even worse: Companies cannot simply choose between using “the one hand” or “the other hand”. They must use both hands, i.e. they need to balance in one way or another innovation and resilience. This is a new facet of the classic dilemma of ambidexterity, i.e. companies need to explore new horizons and need to exploit the benefits of the current business. Faithful to the WIBF’s claim “international, applied and up-to-date”, in the 8th International Business Conference, we want to give room to charting, analyzing and discussing those challenges and to identifying feasible solutions. Researchers as well as practitioners from around the globe are encouraged to submit their work, be it conceptual research, empirical research or case studies. The work can either highlight the importance of innovation or the relevance of resilience, and ideally address the interplay of both perspectives. Under this broad conference theme, work that is invited for submission may come from (but is not limited to) the following fields:
• Strategy, Management and Leadership
• Human Resources
• Marketing and Sales
• Production, Procurement and Logistics
• IT and Data Science
• Sustainability
• Finance, Accounting and Taxation
• Business Law
• Economics
• Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
• Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME)
• Sociology and Psychology
• Tourism & Hospitality Submission
Guidelines: For all submissions: Please use the Paper Template and Guidelines on the website under: Quicklinks. Submission is open to both full papers (min. 8 and max. 12 pages) and to extended abstracts (min. 2 and max. 4 pages). Please note that original, i.e. previously unpublished work is expected. One author can submit several full papers and/or extended abstracts. Please submit all works separately by uploading them to our online submission system: call-for-papers/ There is no submission fee. However, all papers/abstracts that have been accepted to the conference shall be presented by the author or by at least one of the coauthors respectively. The WIBF’s 8th International Business Conference will take place from Thursday, May 22nd to Friday, May 23rd 2025 in Würzburg/Germany. While participation in person is preferred, online participation will also be possible. All accepted papers/abstracts will be published in the digital conference proceedings after the conference.
All submitted papers/abstracts will be subject to a double-blind review process with the following possible outcome:
• Accepted: The work is accepted as is to the conference. However, an updated version may be uploaded by the re-submission deadline.
• Revise and Re-Submit: The work will be accepted to the conference if a revised version will be uploaded by the re-submission deadline. In this revised version, the author(s) shall consider the comments given by the reviewers.
• Refusal: The work cannot be accepted to the conference. The submission timeline is as follows:
• Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts and Full Papers: 02.04.2025
• Notification of Review Process: 23.04.2025
• Re-Submission Deadline in case of „Revise and Re-Submit“: 07.05.2025 Please direct any questions concerning this Call for Papers or concerning the WIBF’s 8 th International Business Conference in general to the following email address: We are looking forward to your contributions and to welcoming you in May 2025 in Würzburg! Sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wehner
Prof. Dr. Emin Akcaoglu
Prof. Dr. Björn Baltzer