Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan on January 25, 2025 will hold a national scientific-practical conference on the theme “Problems of entrepreneurship development in the spheres of national economy” for the implementation of the “National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030”.
Representatives of relevant ministries and departments, higher schools of the country, scientists and researchers, representatives of international organizations and research institutes are invited to the conference.
– The role of the Founder of National Peace and Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in sustainable development of entrepreneurship;
– Problems of entrepreneurship development in the sphere of industry in the conditions of accelerated industrialization of the country;
– Infrastructure of industrial development – the guarantor of ensuring decent life of people;
– Modern problems of ecological entrepreneurship and ways to ensure socio-economic development of industrial enterprises based on the experience of developed countries;
– Digitalization of entrepreneurial activity processes in the spheres of national economy;
– Introduction of modern and innovative technologies and strengthening of international cooperation in the field of sustainable development of entrepreneurship;
Innovative entrepreneurship is an important factor in the development of the national economy;
– Improvement of investment climate for sustainable development of entrepreneurship;
– Sustainable development of entrepreneurship in the process of transition from agrarian-industrial to industrial-agrarian economy;
– Ways to ensure sustainable development of tourism entrepreneurship.
In this regard, scientists, researchers and those wishing to participate in the conference can send their articles to the e-mail address or electronically to the address 734055, Dushanbe 48/ Borbada Ave. 5, until January 20, 2025. Research Institute of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan, to submit to the Department of Entrepreneurship Research (responsible person): Tel: (+992) 934191881 – G.A. Rasulov;
Conference language: Tajik, Russian and English.
The margins at the top and bottom of the page should be 25 mm, 30 mm on the left and 15 mm on the right. The text of the report should be typed in the text editor MS Word for Windows (font Times New Roman, font 14) at 1.5 intervals and arranged as follows: at the top in the middle of the page – author’s surname, academic degree and title, position, place of work, postal code, address, telephone number, then the title of the topic is written in the middle of the page in capital letters (bold, font 14), the full text of the report and the list of references should be brought; quotations are given in square brackets with an indication of the serial number of literature and page (for example: [5, p. 45 ]), figures, illustrations, diagrams, charts and plans are numbered. They should also have the author’s name.
The text of the report of the participants, corresponding to the above requirements, will be published on the recommendation of the editorial board in the form of a collection of materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference until the day of its holding.

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