Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from Mother’s milk. (Maxim Gorky.)
Mother’s day is dedicated. Mama is the very first word uttered by a little man. It sounds beautiful and gentle in all languages of the world. Even as adults, we remain our mother’s children for life. “A mother’s sacrifice is an unchanging love for her child. A mother’s sacrifice is an unchanging trust, boundless gratitude to heaven, which is embodied in her motherly care for those she touches.
A mother’s love is one of the most selfless and powerful forces in the world. It is unconditional, enduring, and knows no boundaries. From the moment a child is born, a mother dedicates her life to nurturing, protecting, and guiding her child, often putting their needs above her own. Her sacrifices, both big and small, shape the future of her children and lay the foundation for their happiness and success.
Each of us receives her love and tenderness, warmth and affection from the cradle. Great is the love and sacrifice of a mother for her sons and daughters, for the sake of life on earth. Much has been said about mothers. The theme of motherhood has always excited artists, poets, and writers. “There is no such flower in the world, no field, no sea of such a pearl as a child on its mother’s lap,” wrote O. Wilde enthusiastically. The image of a mother as a symbol of eternal truth, beauty, and life-affirmation is found in the works of masters of antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
The image of mother as a symbol of eternal truth, beauty, life-affirmation is found in the works of ancient, medieval and Renaissance masters. From the canvases of Leonardo da Vinci, Santi Raphael, Hugo Merle, Lucas Cranach, William Bouguereau their tender, sincere faces look at us. Our great humanists and truth-lovers M. Gorky, Chingiz Aitmatov, Erach Mirzo, Loik Sherali and Mirzo Tursunzoda dedicated their best works to mother.
A mother’s love and sacrifice are unmatched. She gives without expecting anything in return and loves without conditions. Her sacrifices may go unnoticed at times, but they are the foundation of a child’s success and happiness. A mother’s love is the closest thing to pure, unconditional love in the world. It is a reminder that true love is not about what we receive but about what we give.
Rijabekov Nozir Chorshanbievich – Assistant of the Department of Business Tourism and Hospitality of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan

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